Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pumpkin curry...........

I love Autumn, it's like a second spring. Except to me it actually feels like spring. I was busy this year and got many veggies in late. However the tomatoes are still glutting, I have too many celery plants, not enough pumpkins and my potatoes are almost ready to be harvested.

I only managed to grow 8 small nugget pumpkins this year, despite the plant being labelled as a butternut it was a nugget. The 40 degree continuous heat waves made it difficult to germinate anything from seed when I was ready to put the pumpkin seeds in. There is always next season though.

Where I live the growing season is short, basically from nov 9th or roughly Melbourne cup day through to Anzac Day which is April 25th. This year I have a poly tunnel and I will be ready for the warm weather early.

Anyway, I was quite annoyed about the pumpkin situation, I have friends who were desperate to give these away last year. In order to maximise my efforts I looked for a gourmet recipe to put these nugget pumpkins into. I found Linda Woodrow's recipe, I changed a few ingredients however it worked! I don't recommend using nugget pumpkins for this recipe as the peeling and chopping is excessive! I doubled the recipe and it covered us for 2.5 meals. My 4 year said:" I love spicy food, mummy!"